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Over 47 years of construction and development, Imexpharm is oriented to be a "Sustainable - Professional - Reliable" enterprise. We will continue to invest in core competencies of high quality, aiming for world-leading standards and always being a trusted companion for doctors, medical staff and patients.

Non-Betalactam Plant

  • Manufacturing tablet or medicine packet.
  • The first pharmaceutical plant in Vietnam to be granted ASEAN-GMP certification in 1997.
  • In 2006, was upgraded to become the first plant in Vietnam to meet WHO-GMP standards.
  • 1.200 million units a year.

Penicillin plant

  • Manufacturing tablet or medicine packet.
  • Was ASEAN-GMP certified in 1998.
  • In 2006, it was upgraded along with the Non plant and became one of the earliest plants to receive WHO-GMP certification.
  • 300 million tablets a year.